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Addiction and overdoses have been an increasing problem in Lucas County and the nation as a whole, with statistics from official sources illustrating the depth of the problem. Opioids ruin lives, but there is hope. Every day, people overcome addiction and rebuild their shattered lives. Here is a closer look at the opioid problem in Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio.

Almost 90 percent of all overdose deaths in Lucas County in 2020 were caused by fentanyl.

We targeted the bilingual awareness campaign based on U.S. Census demographic data. Billboards were placed in key locations in Toledo’s East Side and Old South End based on overall traffic and the high percentage of Spanish speakers among residents. Our demographic research also has identified surrounding rural areas with high percentages of Spanish-speaking households that deserve some attention in the campaign’s outreach efforts. The following chart shows where Spanish-speaking households are found in Lucas County.